27 Aralık 2020 Pazar



26 Aralık 2020 Cumartesi

 Öğrenciler kendi avatarlarını oluşturuyor .Proje arkadaşlarına kendini tanıtıyorlar.



 images from the project meeting and project plan was mentioned.

 how should secure internet be?We talked with my students and gave example

25 Aralık 2020 Cuma

 My students think about how they can be safe on the internet and shared their ideas with us.


My students created their avatars and introduced themselves.



Tanışma Webinarımız.

Proje planlaması ve izlenecek yollar hakkında bilgi alış verişi yapıldı. 

We talked about our project.

13 Aralık 2020 Pazar

About the Project

In the distance education process, we can see how important Technology and Design is in making the lessons fun. Visual communication design is very important. We want to prepare content that teachers can use in their lessons and that students can have fun while repeating. We aim to enable teachers to get acquainted with web2 tools and integrate them into their lessons. We want students to acquire essential digital skills that are 21st century skills. We aim to prepare digital and written content for the Technology and Design course and share it on the EBA platform.

Working Process

Our project will be a 5-month project.

  • Adding teachers and students to the project
  • Introducing teachers and students themselves, introducing schools and creating a map of schools,
  • Webinar
  • Distribution of tasks
  • Creating mixed teams
  • Introduction of web2 tools
  • Determining safe internet usage rules
  • Logo and poster design
  • Determining the contents to be prepared
  • Determining the subjects to be cooperated and using the forums actively

In our project, content will be produced according to the Technology and Design course curriculum and the content will be uploaded to EBA.

Project Objectives

Our goal is to acquire the skills of the 21st century and make our students win.

  • Going out of classical teaching methods and techniques, using techniques and methods suitable for the new century.
  • To acquire basic digital skills and bring them to our students,
  • To ensure that students produce solutions to problems they encounter in daily life. For this, to raise individuals who are curious, who can investigate, question and analyze.
  • To raise individuals who know how to process information,
  • To improve communication skills
  • To gain a habit of working with the group and to understand the importance of cooperation
  • To ensure that they have information about different cultures.
  • To raise productive individuals.
To produce digital content using web2 tools and integrate them into lessons.

Expected Results

What we expect as a result of our project:

  • Our students will learn about safe internet use. (Students will determine the rules and design a game in cooperation.)
  • They will learn about copyrights. (They will collaborate to design a poster in order for everyone to comply with the rules to be considered for the literature review.)
  • Will have 21st century skills and apply basic digital skills.
  • They will be able to use Web2 tools and make them a part of their daily lives.
  • They will increase their self-confidence and get to know different cultures.
  • Communication and collaboration skills will increase.
  • Generations that gain the habit of working with a group and produce, not consume, will grow.
  • Content in the field of Technology and Design will be developed and uploaded to the Eba platform.
  • E-book, digital presentations and games will be prepared in cooperation.


It has been a nice way the one we have covered with our new friends. During these months we have worked on different topics and we have lear...